Fair question. So what exactly does a membership with F.F.T do for you? Well, let's explain;
Membership will give you instant access to downloadable files for your Tattoo business. These files include Consent forms, Employment contracts, Code of Conduct, Copyright Case study, Fire Risk assessments, COSHH data forms, Critical Skin discounts, Business Development and help videos.
These videos cover advertising, walkthroughs for advertising your business on a budget to retain your client base. Business Strategy videos, including what we expect to happen over the coming months. Setting up and running your Facebook pages along with these ads (in a basic form, easy to operate). Along with updates to the video list based on your needs.
You will also receive access to our team. We run our busy studio also and we be available to chat or message with an appointment.
Seems like just a list of stuff right?
Well, sure it is. But this 'Stuff' is covering your 'back office'. The documents and files required to run a safe business. These documents are needed in the advent of a disaster in your business. These help towards covering your ass if something goes wrong. More importantly, it helps you avoid a problem in the first place!
The really important thing to note is, business is constantly changing. So we keep adding relevant content for you to use to run your business smoothly. The Code of Conduct is something our Members adhere to. Setting the standards for safety and ethics. It's basically this; If you're clean and you don't copy, you're probably already doing the things we expect from Members!
However, new businesses to this illustrious industry of ours, may not know what they need to run a business as far as documents are concerned. May not know what a local authority is expecting from them. This is where our resources can help. If that isn't enough, you can contact us directly!
What if you are a new Artist/Business. How do you build a loyal client base? How do you get HUGE reach to new potential clients on a budget? Do you know how to set up your social media to do most of the work for you? Do you have a strategy that isn't just, 'I'll send out a bunch of flyers!' Because that really doesn't cut it anymore AND is huge waste of cash...! Well then, we offer Strategies for that.
F.F.T has been helping Tattoo Artists and Businesses for almost 4 years already! We are here to help you grow your business, Protect your back office and help build an Acceptable Code of Conduct that we can all agree to.
That's what membership of the F.F.T is about.
We look forward to working with you in the future!
Take care